
La Sibylle sur le sable

Madonna Imperia

Gestalt Music Inspirations

Relaxing Sufi music recorded in Turkey, played on kanun, ney, ud, tanbur, kemence, bendir, halile and cello. This is music played at the tekke (Sufi convent) at ceremonies of the whirling dervishes; as well as some never before recorded music commonly played in Turkish mosques. The booklet provides extensive explanations about Sufism, the music and the various makams (modes) and the instruments. Photos of musicians and instruments.
1. Ney improvisation in Makam Dugah - 1:46
2. Ilahi (Hymn) in Makam Dugah - 2:21
3. Ney improvisation in Makam Huseyni - 1:26
4. Nefes in Makams Huseyni and Ussak - 5:25
Esma Zikri in Makam Ussak
5. Kanun improvisation in Makam Ussak - 1:50
6. Ilahi (Hymn) in Makam Ussak - 2:31
7. Improvisation with Kanun, Ney and Ud - 5:26
8. Modulation (Perde Kaldırma) in the Makams Saba, Segah, Rast, Segah, Saba - 2:55
9. Ney improvisation in Makam Saba - 2:28
10. Iahis (Hymns) in Makam Saba - 5:08
11. Ud improvisation in Makam Hicaz - 3:25
12. Ilahis (Hymns) in Makam Hicaz - 5:06
13. Sabah Salatı in Makam Dilkesaveran - 2:48
14. Kemençe improvisation in Makam Segah - 1:27
15. Tekbir in Makam Segah - 6:14
Salat-ı Ummiye in Makam Segah <2:47>
Niyaz Ilahisi in Makam Segah <3:27>
16. Tanbur improvisation in Makam Huzzam - 2:01
17. Ilahi (Hymn) in Makam Huzzam - 2:27
18. Improvisation in Makam Rast - 3:12
sugl in Makam Rast (nay) <0:58>
sugl in Makam Rast (orchestra) <0:44>
Salatı Selam in Makam Mahur <1:30>
Total playing time: 58:48 min.
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